Should you be wanting to study to get an MCSE, it's likely you'll come into one of two categories. You could be about to enter the computer sector, as it's apparent this commercial sector has lots of demand for people with the right qualifications. Or you could be a knowledgeable person wanting to polish up your CV with the Microsoft qualification.
When researching MCSE's, you'll hit upon training companies that lower their out-goings by failing to provide the latest version from Microsoft. Avoid such training providers as you will face problems at exam time. If you are studying the wrong version, it will make it very difficult to pass.
Don't get bullied into a course without the right advice. Find a training provider that will make sure that you're on an appropriate training track for your requirements.
A study programme really needs to work up to a nationally (or globally) recognised certification as an end-result - definitely not some 'in-house' plaque for your wall.
All the major IT organisations such as Microsoft, Adobe, CompTIA or Cisco each have globally renowned proficiency courses. These big-hitters will make your CV stand-out.
Many trainers will provide a useful Job Placement Assistance facility, to assist your search for your first position. However sometimes people are too impressed with this facility, for it is genuinely quite straightforward for any focused and well taught person to get a job in IT - as there is such a shortage of qualified personnel.
Help with your CV and interview techniques may be available (if not, see one of our sites for help). Make sure you work on your old CV today - don't wait until you've finished your exams!
Various junior support jobs have been offered to trainees who are still learning and haven't even passed a single exam yet. At the very least this will get your CV into the 'possible' pile and not the 'no' pile.
Generally, a specialist locally based employment service (who will get paid commission to place you) will perform better than any division of a training company. They should, of course, also know the local industry and employment needs.
To bottom line it, if you put the same amount of effort into securing your first job as into training, you won't find it too challenging. Some people bizarrely spend hundreds of hours on their training and studies and do nothing more once they've passed their exams and seem to expect employers to find them.
OK, why should we consider qualifications from the commercial sector rather than traditional academic qualifications gained through schools, colleges or universities?
Industry is of the opinion that for an understanding of the relevant skills, certified accreditation supplied for example by Microsoft, CompTIA, CISCO and Adobe most often has much more specialised relevance - and a fraction of the cost and time.
Patently, a certain portion of closely linked knowledge must be taught, but essential specifics in the exact job role gives a vendor educated student a huge edge.
It's a bit like the TV advert: 'It does what it says on the tin'. All an employer has to do is know what areas need to be serviced, and then match up the appropriate exam numbers as a requirement. That way they can be sure they're interviewing applicants who can do the job.
We can't make a big enough deal out of this point: It's essential to obtain proper 24x7 round-the-clock support from professional instructors. Later, you'll kick yourself if you don't heed this.
Find a good quality service with help available at any time of the day or night (no matter if it's in the middle of the night on a weekend!) Make sure it's always 24x7 direct access to mentors and instructors, and not access to a call-in service which takes messages - so you're parked in a queue of others waiting to be called back during office hours.
World-class organisations utilise an online access round-the-clock system combining multiple support operations throughout multiple time-zones. You'll have an easy to use environment which accesses the most appropriate office at any time of day or night: Support available as-and-when you want it.
Don't accept second best when you're looking for the right support service. Most IT hopefuls who throw in the towel, are in that situation because of support (or the lack of).
When researching MCSE's, you'll hit upon training companies that lower their out-goings by failing to provide the latest version from Microsoft. Avoid such training providers as you will face problems at exam time. If you are studying the wrong version, it will make it very difficult to pass.
Don't get bullied into a course without the right advice. Find a training provider that will make sure that you're on an appropriate training track for your requirements.
A study programme really needs to work up to a nationally (or globally) recognised certification as an end-result - definitely not some 'in-house' plaque for your wall.
All the major IT organisations such as Microsoft, Adobe, CompTIA or Cisco each have globally renowned proficiency courses. These big-hitters will make your CV stand-out.
Many trainers will provide a useful Job Placement Assistance facility, to assist your search for your first position. However sometimes people are too impressed with this facility, for it is genuinely quite straightforward for any focused and well taught person to get a job in IT - as there is such a shortage of qualified personnel.
Help with your CV and interview techniques may be available (if not, see one of our sites for help). Make sure you work on your old CV today - don't wait until you've finished your exams!
Various junior support jobs have been offered to trainees who are still learning and haven't even passed a single exam yet. At the very least this will get your CV into the 'possible' pile and not the 'no' pile.
Generally, a specialist locally based employment service (who will get paid commission to place you) will perform better than any division of a training company. They should, of course, also know the local industry and employment needs.
To bottom line it, if you put the same amount of effort into securing your first job as into training, you won't find it too challenging. Some people bizarrely spend hundreds of hours on their training and studies and do nothing more once they've passed their exams and seem to expect employers to find them.
OK, why should we consider qualifications from the commercial sector rather than traditional academic qualifications gained through schools, colleges or universities?
Industry is of the opinion that for an understanding of the relevant skills, certified accreditation supplied for example by Microsoft, CompTIA, CISCO and Adobe most often has much more specialised relevance - and a fraction of the cost and time.
Patently, a certain portion of closely linked knowledge must be taught, but essential specifics in the exact job role gives a vendor educated student a huge edge.
It's a bit like the TV advert: 'It does what it says on the tin'. All an employer has to do is know what areas need to be serviced, and then match up the appropriate exam numbers as a requirement. That way they can be sure they're interviewing applicants who can do the job.
We can't make a big enough deal out of this point: It's essential to obtain proper 24x7 round-the-clock support from professional instructors. Later, you'll kick yourself if you don't heed this.
Find a good quality service with help available at any time of the day or night (no matter if it's in the middle of the night on a weekend!) Make sure it's always 24x7 direct access to mentors and instructors, and not access to a call-in service which takes messages - so you're parked in a queue of others waiting to be called back during office hours.
World-class organisations utilise an online access round-the-clock system combining multiple support operations throughout multiple time-zones. You'll have an easy to use environment which accesses the most appropriate office at any time of day or night: Support available as-and-when you want it.
Don't accept second best when you're looking for the right support service. Most IT hopefuls who throw in the towel, are in that situation because of support (or the lack of).
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Copyright 2009 Scott Edwards. Hop over to Learning HTML or
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