Sunday, September 6, 2009

Becomea SuperHero with Robin Costumes

By Thor Hansen

The latest Batman movie The Dark Knight was a remarkable success. Bringing back into prominence one of the most popular comic book super heroes, the movie's success will, without a doubt, attract a lot of youngsters to don costumes patterned after Batman. Along with Batman costumes, other young boys and girls will also consider dressing up as Batman's sidekick - the "Boy Wonder" - Robin.

The first appearance of Batman's most loyal advisor, Robin the Boy Wonder, was in the DC Comics published in 1941. It was about a year after Batman's debut. The name Robin was inspired by the book entitled "The Adventures of Robin Hood." It was in this book, too, that the costume was derived.

Against most wonderful heroes, Batman and Robin have no super powers. Batman, whose actual name is Bruce Wayne, nevertheless, has a totally honed physical body and a matchless cleverness together with great luck and a very dependable main assistant, Robin.

Robin demonstrates the talented and reliable co-worker who is always organized to support Batman in any time of need. He is a great role model for all children in the Halloween time.

Robin's colorful outfit is one of the effortlessly great superhero outfits during an outfit party of any type. You can either procure a ready-to-wear outfit or you can generate your own outfit if you have the time and funds to generate one.

There are Robin costumes available for everyone. You can buy the "Boy Wonder" attire in men's sizes or children's sizes. The costume comes with a long black cape and a jumpsuit with green tights. If you choose to make your own Robin costume, make sure you feature these ones. There should also be a red top and a yellow belt. It is also important to put an "R" on the chest. Use black boots as well as a black domino mask. The mask covers the eyes and conceals the identity of the wearer.

There is also a female side of Robin. The costume must include a green mini skirt and a green shimmer sleeves, a yellow service belt and green glovelets. Append the black facade to cover up the eyes and hide the individuality of the wearer in addition to the "R" on the chest. You can put on either green, red, or black boots.

This Halloween, dresses up as the "Boy Wonder" standing by to support Batman anytime he requests you. Be ready to act anytime to assist anyone in need of your help. Be the paradigm of all teenagers. Dress up as Robin.

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