Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Adoringly Fluffy Gun Dog: The American Cocker Spaniel

By Meredith Blake

Just like the English Cocker Spaniel, the American Cocker Spaniel is also a medium sized breed of gun dog. Originally, this breed was developed in the United Kingdom as a small game hunter particularly of the woodcock, which is where the term cocker came from. In the US, the cocker breed was further developed until it became a distinctly different breed called the American Cocker Spaniel.

For the Americans, this breed is just Cocker Spaniel. In Canada and Europe, it is called the American Cocker Spaniel. This breed was primarily intended to become a gun dog, hunting games such as birds but today it is well known as an adorable and loving house pet.

The first spaniels in England were imported from Spain then later on developed to become companions in small game hunting. In 1892, the cocker spaniel was differentiated from the Springer spaniel, wherein before these two types were born on the same litter and were only identified by type during adulthood. Additionally, the English Setter was utilized to further enhance the cocker spaniel breed and differentiate it completely from the Springer spaniel.

One of the primary differences between an American Cocker Spaniel and an English Cocker Spaniel is that the American breed is smaller compared to the English variety. The coat of the American Cocker Spaniel is also particularly long than the English Cocker Spaniel. The head of the American Cocker Spaniel is rounder and its ears are dangling while the English Cocker Spaniel's head is rectangular and the ears shorter.

The ideal size of the American Cocker Spaniel is 15 inches and any dog which stands any higher than 15.5 inches is considered disqualified. The weight is generally 25 to 35 pounds although the males can be a bit heavier. The American Cocker Spaniel lives up to 12 years and is outlived by the English Cocker Spaniel by a year.

The fur of this breed is especially given attention to because of its importance during dog shows and so it is groomed and maintained regularly. This coat is silky, dense, long, flat and double coated. The coat colors are listed under categories: Black, ASCOB (Any Solid Color Other than Black), Tricolor, and Parti Color.

Describing this breed as a pet, one can say that it is affable, sweet and cheerful. As a gun dog, it is an eager worker, an obedient companion and a courageous hunter. This dog is noted for its gentleness, devotion and sensitiveness that's why harsh reinforcement is not recommended.

To maintain this dog's energetic and cheerful self, it should be taken out for a daily walk or run. To maintain its beautiful coat, it should be shampooed and brushed everyday. Nail clipping, coat scissoring and eyes cleaning are also necessary to keep this dog clean and groomed.

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