Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Herbal-The Method To Losing Weight

By Wan Mohd Hirwani Wan Hussain

The problem with the recent popularity in herbal weight loss products is the number of them that manufacturers are producing just makes it difficult for people to decide which ones they really need. Probably the most well known of these products are pretty much household names like Guarana, Hoodia, dandelion, extract of green tea and the slightly lesser know cascara. This clever plant fools the brain into believing the blood sugar levels are higher than they real are thus suppressing the desire to eat and as been used by local tribes for centuries.

People who use Guarana find that the caffeine it contains helps to speed up their metabolism in an effort to burn off calories but it is a diuretic as well. While this herbal weight loss supplement is very effective, it is not without side effects and some users report they feel light headed, sometimes nauseous, anxious and a rise in blood pressure can also be seen.

One particular herb that has been used for many years is dandelion which also has a diuretic effect which is not too much of a problem although some allergic reactions to its use have been reported. While it is very effective at reducing the amount of fluid in the body, this herbal supplement is not designed to be used on daily basis.

Cascara is a laxative used in many weight loss supplements but any laxative will help a person lose weight just like any other form of 'purging' the body of waste and toxins. However, any form of laxative, herbal or otherwise should be used with caution as these products also remove healthy bacteria and essential nutrients when used regularly.

One particularly popular herbal weight loss supplement is the extract that can be obtained from green tea which can be found in many products including drinks, vitamins and even as a concentrate in a tablet. Like many weight loss supplements, green tea is more successful when used in combination with a diet based on healthy eating and exercise.

Despite the large sums of money spent by people on natural weight loss products, there is still little proof that they are effective in the long term. Some people believe that the popularity is just a way to take more money from people as products that contain Hoodia for example can cost up to 50 dollars or more for a months supply. Unfortunately the average person wishing to lose a few ponds believes that herbal weight loss supplements are the answer all on their own but long term weight control requires a change in a person's attitude to what they eat and how much physical activity they carry out; natural products are just a way to help.

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