Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Power Of Mind Is Everything!

By William J Stevens

A commercial for the United Negro College Fund which aired frequently in the 1980s used the slogan 'the mind is a terrible thing to waste'. We're not talking about college educations here today, but this is a slogan which is absolutely true. Your mind has lot more power than you might think; and the power of the mind is indeed a terrible thing to waste. When you can access the power your mind contains, you can use it to change the world around you for the better.

You're certainly at least somewhat familiar with The Secret, whether or not you've ever read the book or watched the film, you probably know the basics of the law of attraction which is the central idea of the work. When you think about things, you attract them to you - whether you do so consciously or not.

As an example, take the placebo effect - people who are receiving a placebo in clinical trials of medications often experience the effects caused by the actual medication since they believe that they are receiving the medication.

You've no doubt seen the effect in your own life as well. For instance, you've no doubt woken up thinking that a particular day isn't going to be a good one. It shouldn't really be too much of a surprise when these days turn out not to be among your favorites. It has to do with the power of your mind - when you think a day is going to be a bad (or a great one) then your subconscious has the ability to make this happen.

The scientific evidence is starting to point towards the idea that there is a scientific basis for the power of the mind as well. One which is particularly intriguing is that matter exists only when there is an observer there to describe it (or rather, matter may be in one of several possible states until it is observed - or all of them at once). What this means is that human beings may be able to exert much more influence on their surroundings than has been previously thought.

It is thought by some scientists that many of the phenomena we have always thought of as supernatural (such as remote viewing, telepathy and the like) are actually perfectly natural and explainable phenomena, though science may be a few years away from understanding the precise mechanisms behind them.

You may not have really given it any thought until now, but the power of the mind is something which you can put to work to make positive change in your own life. Wouldn't you want to learn how to work with the universe to get what you want using your own thoughts? There are a few techniques which can help you to do just that; keep reading to learn more about these methods.

The first step is to have a goal; this has to be a specific, rather than a general goal. Instead of thinking 'I want to be rich', think 'I want three million dollars'. Having a specific goal makes it easier for you to focus your mental energies on achieving your objective. Learning to focus is the key here; most of the time, you may have dozens of different thoughts going on at once.

Many people already understand the power of the mind and they expend a great deal of time and effort into putting their mental energy towards meeting their goals. These people focus on their objective, putting all of their thoughts and actions towards their goal - they put the full power of the mind in order to overcome obstacles and make it towards what they want. Since their minds are in control and they are putting all of their resources towards attaining their goals, they make it a reality. It all sounds so easy, but it is not quite as easy as it may seem.

When you learn to control this power of the mind, you can use it to make changes in your world; in fact, you can make almost anything you can imagine a reality. Let's say that you want to buy a particular house. You put all of your mental energy into it, imagining even the small details like the color you want to paint the rec room. You start expending effort into areas that will help you to achieve your goal (like working more so you can save up the down payment) and research how to get favorable mortgage terms.

After you've put your effort towards it, your dream starts coming true - the house goes up for sale, you are able to secure the mortgage, your offer is accepted and everything goes fine. It's all because you've been putting your thoughts and your energy into achieving your goal; this is what makes it happen for you.

Every one of us can do this. It's just a matter of understanding your own inherent abilities and believing in the power of the mind to achieve the things you want out of life. Start with a small goal and you can work from there to accomplish ever greater things.

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