Sunday, August 16, 2009

P90X The Journey Begins

By Danny Edwards

Let me start by telling you where I was almost a year ago, I was 30 years old, 5ft 9inches tall and 195lbs. Now by no means was I extremely over weight, or obese, but I was sadly out of shape, and had found myself with the infamous pear shape. My problem was as I got older I continued to eat like was a teenager, drinking anywhere between 10-15 soft drinks per day, all kinds of junk food, and my only exercise was...well...there was none. I was a father of 3 beautiful girls, owned my own business and honestly just felt like I didn't have the time to exercise, or the desire.

So one night I was sitting around watching TV and the P90X commercial came on. I remember watching this commercial sitting there thinking there's no way, it's not possible, and to get those kind of results in 90 days. So I asked myself if I believed what I just saw, and found myself wondering if this program could actually work? So I decided to give it try, I figured I could devote an hour a day for 90 days, if I thought I could better myself. So I made the call and waited for my new exercise program to arrive in the mail, I was ready to start losing the flab, burning some fat and building lean muscle or at least I thought I was.

In the past I've done rather should I say attempted many exercise programs, and for some odd reason I always fell short of my goal. Who am I kidding I did not even make it anywhere near my goal, the video's never even made it into the DVD player, mainly because I'm lazy, and un motivated. For whatever reason these were different, maybe it was because they were not super cheap, or maybe it's because I was just tired of going downhill who knows why, but I was determined this go around. So I patiently waited for my video's to arrive, all the while convincing myself that in just 90 short days I was going to be a lean mean fighting machine. Yes I know, I'm gullible and I believe in little fairies that fly around and grant people wishes.

In a short 7 days my wait was over and my video's arrived, I tore open the package not quite sure what to expect, what I saw staring back at me was a bit un-nerving, between bands, DVD's literature, and pull ups. I was starting to think that this could be a little more than what I bargained for (and it only took about 10 minutes of the first P90X video for me to KNOW this was more than I bargained for).That evening I decided to give the nutrition guide a read, mid way through I was getting really disappointed that I was going to have to give up my soft drinks, pizza's and candy bars, to get the most out of the system. But hey, I spent money on this, so I at least need to be half way committed, so that's exactly what I did, gave up all the junk, and followed the nutrition guide as closely as possible.

At the same time I started the P90X workouts, and gave everything I had to the program, the very first day I thought I was going to pass out, or throw up, I can never remember working so hard, even when I was in the military and doing push-ups and what not every day, I found myself more winded doing these workouts. It was truly grueling, but I got through it, and thought to myself how glad I was to have that over, only to wake up the next morning to find muscles I did not even know I had were sore. Do not get me wrong even though I was in pain, it felt good in a strange way, I knew I had accomplished something and was on my way to a better me.

Swish Swoosh Swash(that's my sound of traveling through a time portal as we fast forward) 10 months later, I'm now in the best shape of my life, and I continue to do the P90X workouts 6 days a week, I feel better, have more energy, and am definitely in the best shape of my life from following through with this program.

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